Showing posts with label quiz_question. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quiz_question. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fire Safety Quiz

Question: What fire safety device is pictured here?

Prize for first correct answer IN THE COMMENTS SECTION:

Snickers Bar

ANSWER: Redneck fire alarm. Paige wins.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Territory Quizzes R.I.P.

Territory quizzes will be suspended for now. I'm fresh out of ideas, and will be starting back to school and short on time. Thanks for playing. Maybe there'll be more in the future.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Territory Quiz: Five Story Hazard

Here's a dangerous abandoned commercial building in District 8. Some of the building's surroundings have been erased to make its location less obvious.

Notice all the danger points:
Burglar bars at street level.

Plywood-boarded windows on upper floors.

Heaving awnings held by rusty metal supports.

Old crumbling brick on the back wall.

I want the street intersection where it's located.

Prize for first correct answer in comments...

...peanut butter cups.
Good luck!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Territory Quiz: Road To Nowhere?

Click above to see the video of a road in District 8. Then answer the quiz questions:

Where is this road?

What does it lead to?

Reward for first correct answer in comments section:

Bag of Baby Ruths

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Territory Quiz: Know Your Skyscrapers

(click to enlarge)

This is the first in a series of "Know Your Skyscrapers" quizzes, which will run every few weeks or so to test your knowledge of downtown high-rise buildings. There are more interesting ones to come, but today we'll start out basic.

Very often the dispatcher will state the building name along with the street address when dispatching a high-rise run downtown, so it's important that we know the buildings by their names.

Quiz: Match the building name from the name choices below to the letter by the skyscraper in the photo above (click to enlarge).

I've thrown in a few extra names that don't apply, to make it more challenging. First correct answer IN COMMENTS BELOW wins.

Good luck!

Building Name Choices:

1500 Louisiana
1500 Smith
Bank of America Center
Centerpoint Energy Plaza
Continental Center
Heritage Plaza
J.P. Morgan Chase Tower
One Houston Center
One Shell Plaza
Three Allen Center
Wells Fargo Plaza
Williams Tower


big bag of fortune cookies

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Territory Quiz: Tight Squeeze


This tour's quiz is a tough one. Below are photographs of three of the narrowest streets I could find in our district. Each of our stations' first-in territories is represented by one of the photos.

The question to be answered is: What are the key map coordinates of these narrow street locations?

The first person to give key map coordinates of at least two of the three locations wins. Bonus points (double the prize) for exact street name/intersection, but all I'm asking for is key map coordinates.


Good luck!

Location 1:

Location 2:

Location 3:


Bag of Oreos.

If anyone is good enough to give actual street intersections (rather than just key map page and letter) the prize will be doubled. Either way, first correct answer in comments wins.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Territory Quiz: Bomb Threat

Here's a kind of stupid and easy quiz before I go on vacation. (I've got a tougher one prepared for when I come back.)

Scenario: You respond to a bomb threat incident. Terrorists have planted what may be an explosive device at the base of this statue.
Question: Responding companies should stage and refrain from radio transmission at least 300 feet from what street intersection in District 8?

No answers by telephone. Post answer below in comments (click on "comments" below--the fastest way to respond) or you can send email to

Prize for first correct posted answer...
...package of Peanut Butter Cups.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Territory Quiz: Where's This Dangerous Building?

(B-side. Click pictures for larger images.)

This is a large two-story abandoned residence that all three of our stations would respond to on the first alarm.

(Another angle from B-side, showing C-side exposure.)

It's on the city's list of dangerous buildings. They've been trying to get it demolished, but have so far been unsuccessful.

(Looking from A-side, showing D-side exposure.)

It's boarded up, dilapidated, connected to a garage apartment, and with occupied exposures on two sides.

Where is this building in our territory? Give me street address or intersection.

Post answer in comments or email to

Prize for first correct answer...
Box of Drumsticks.

(If I don't get an answer in an hour or two, I'll post a hint.)